Conversion StoriesReverts to the Catholic Faith

Ron Meyer: Revert to the Catholic Faith

April 9, 2012 No Comments

EWTN radio host and regional marketing manager, Ron Meyer, joins Marcus in sharing his faith journey.  Growing up for the first seven years in an Italian-Catholic neighborhood in the Bronx, Ron describes his divorced family as being “removed Catholics”.  They participated in the sacraments and he attended a parochial elementary school, but the family never discussed their faith in their daily lives.  When he was 8, his father moved him to the NY suburbs and interested him in sports.   Sports through his teen years kept Ron grounded.  He pursued and excelled at baseball but a neurological condition forced him to give up playing.  It was while living in Florida struggling with eye issues from the condition, that Ron had a profound religious experience while returning to Mass after a long hiatus.  Ron tells how his life changed dramatically from that point on.